Many companies continue to promote like it’s business as usual. To survive this crisis, marketing is obviously crucial, but overly promotional tactics can seem out of touch (or even disrespectful) right now. Part of the problem may be automated email campaigns created...
Rebrands are investments in time and money. They’re also an investment by everyone connected to your brand. To get it right, start by identifying and aligning key stakeholders (hint: they’re not just customers). Mobilize internal stakeholders A rebrand is hard enough...
They’re in your pantry, on the highway, in church, at the ballgame and at grandma’s house. They’re brand impressions and we see thousands every day. In such a crowded whirlwind of chaos, how does your brand gain recognition? The secret is not to be the loudest, most...
Nobody has a favorite logo shape, and few outside the design world have a favorite typeface. But everyone has a favorite color. People feel personally connected to color in a way that can also connect them to your brand. How can you use color to your brand’s...
Every rebrand has a rhyme and reason for being—a merger, an acquisition, a new product/service/audience. Whatever the reason, every big branding leap should start with one critical step: clearly stating your objective. Once you have your objective, you have your...